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Active Record Source

The gem comes with full support for Active Record, which means that one line can create all the necessary components for you to perform any CRUD operation on them.

N+1 Protected By default, associations will be properly loaded once during the prepare phase of the request.


You can define Active Record sources on a file or using the shortcut on the schema.

# app/graphql/sources/user_source.rb
module GraphQL
  class UserSource < GraphQL::Source::ActiveRecordSource
  # OR
  class UserSource < GraphQL::ARSource

# OR

# app/graphql/app_schema.rb
source User

This will scaffold the following components:

type User {
  id: ID!
  email: String!
  # ... any other attributes and associations

input UserInput {
  id: ID
  email: String!
  # ... any other attributes and associations with accepts nested attributes
  _delete: Boolean = false # For the inverted reason of the above

type _Mutation {
  createUser(user: UserInput!): User!
  deleteUser(id: ID!): Boolean!
  updateUser(id: ID!, user: UserInput!): User!

type _Query {
  user(id: ID!): User!
  users: [User!]!

Read more about inline sources.


Here are all the settings that you can add to your sources:

true - Marks if fields related to associations should be added.
false - Marks if errors should be exported to the extensions of the response.
Possible values: false, :details, :messages
false - Marks if the source should build an interface instead of an object.


Here are all the behaviors of an Action Record source and how you can take advantage of them:


Here is some important information about the fields created automatically and what events are added to them in what order (examples based on the UserSource):

query users: [User!]!

Uses the plural name of the model for the field name and resolves to load_records.

query user(id: ID!): User!

Uses the singular name of the model for the field name and resolves to load_record.

mutation createUser(user: UserInput!): User!

Uses the singular name of the model with create, has a singular argument with the proper input type, performs create_record, and resolves to the created record.

mutation updateUser(id: ID!, user: UserInput!): User!

Uses the singular name of the model with update, has an id argument and a singular argument with the proper input type, prepares with load_record, performs update_record, and resolves to the updated record.

mutation deleteUser(id: ID!, user: UserInput!): Boolean!

Uses the singular name of the model with delete, has an id argument, prepares with load_record, performs destroy_record, and resolves to either true or false.


Sources take a huge advantage of type assignment. That said, the source will assume that its name is a reference to a model and make an automatic assignment to that. You can override that and manually set the assignment:

# app/graphql/sources/user_source.rb
class GraphQL::UserSource < GraphQL::ARSource
# Thus automatically assign it to User, the same as
self.assigned_to = 'User'


By default, the source would create an object to represent its values. However, if you don’t set act_as_interface, the source can still identify that it should behave as an interface when it has an inheritance column (aka type), and the assigned class is the base class of such inheritance. This is an automatic support for Single table inheritances.


The source will attempt to create enums for each attribute on the model that is marked as an enum. In case of any conflict, it will threaten the attribute as their plain type. You can skip this process by simply calling disable :enums.


This source takes advantage of the Type Map hooks to lazy add fields into both the object/interface and the input that is related to associations. Here is an example:

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :addresses
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses, allow_destroy: true

# app/models/address.rb
class Address < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :user

# app/graphql/sources/user_source.rb
class GraphQL::UserSource < GraphQL::ARSource

# app/graphql/sources/address_source.rb
class GraphQL::AddressSource < GraphQL::ARSource
type Address {
  id: ID!
  line1: String!
  userId: ID!
  user: User!
  _delete: Boolean = false

type User {
  id: ID!
  email: String!
  addresses: [Address!]
  _delete: Boolean = false

type AddressInput {
  id: ID
  line1: String!
  userId: ID!

type UserInput {
  id: ID
  email: String!
  addressesAttributes: [AddressInput!]

Warning Polymorphic associations are ignored.

Proxy Field

An interesting thing to notice is that collection associations, those with has_many, will attempt to proxy the collection field from the other source. By doing that, you can share common arguments and features, like scoped arguments, between them. Here is what may happen:

type _Query {
  # This is the original field
  addresses(primary: Boolean! = false): [Addresses!]!

type User {
  # This is the proxy field, with the same arguments as its companion
  addresses(primary: Boolean! = false): [Addresses!]!

Important This is an experimental feature and may change in the future.

Proxy fields is an advanced feature. Read more about proxy fields adn scoped arguments.


When you use the errors_to_extensions setting, whenever the default mutations are not successful, it will expose the Errors to the extensions portion of the result. It will include the operation name, if any, and the field name or alias. See an example:

mutation SingUp($user: UserInput!) {
  createUser(user: $user) { id }

When set to :details, it uses details:

  "data": {},
  "errors": [
      "message": "Validation failed: Email can't be blank",
      "path": ["SingUp", "createUser"],
      "extensions": {
        "stage": "prepare",
        "exception": "ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid"
  "extensions": {
    "SingUp": {
      "createUser": { "email": [{ "error": "blank" }] }

When set to :messages, it uses as_json:

  // ...
  "extensions": {
    "SingUp": {
      "createUser": { "email": ["can't be blank"] }

Note If you decide to use this with accepts_nested_attributes_for for a has_many association, it is recommended to enable config.active_record.index_nested_attribute_errors = true to get better results.


Here is a list of methods that you can use and rely on to facilitate the usage with your models:

load_records(scope = nil)

Responsible for loading several records from the model during the prepare stage. The scope will be either the event’s last_result or default_scoped.

load_record(scope = nil, find_by: nil)

Responsible for loading one record from the model during the prepare stage. The scope will be either the event’s last_result or default_scoped. If find_by is not provided, it assumes { primary_key => argument(primary_key) }.


It will call save! from input_argument. Read more about inputs assignment.


It will call update! from the current record with params from input_argument.


It will call destroy! from the current record.


This is the first step to loading an association, which will get the proper scope for the association. Read more about events to see how you can build on top of this method.

preload_association(association, scope = nil)

This is the second step to loading an association, which will use Active Record internal components to properly load the records and make them available for the next step. If the scope is not provided, it will use the value from the above method.

parent_owned_records(collection_result = false)

This is the last step to loading an association, which will use the preloaded data and get the relevant records for the current record.

errors_to_extensions(errors, path = nil, format = nil)

This method is responsible for delivering the errors behavior. You can still use it regardless of the errors_to_extensions setting by simply passing the format you want. You can also override the path to which the errors will be added to.


This method gets the proper input associated with the attributes of the record from the list of arguments of the field. You can use it to manipulate the attributes that will be saved.


Here is the list of supported adapters and their respective mapping of types:


'mysql:varchar'       => :string
'mysql:bit'           => :bool
'mysql:int'           => :int
'mysql:bigint'        => :bigint
'mysql:json'          => :json
'mysql:date'          => :date
'mysql:timestamp'     => :date_time
'mysql:binary'        => :binary
'mysql:float'         => :float
'mysql:decimal'       => :decimal
'mysql:time'          => :time

'mysql:set'           => 'mysql:varchar'
'mysql:text'          => 'mysql:varchar'
'mysql:enum'          => 'mysql:varchar'
'mysql:char'          => 'mysql:varchar'
'mysql:tinytext'      => 'mysql:text'
'mysql:mediumtext'    => 'mysql:text'
'mysql:longtext'      => 'mysql:text'
'mysql:datetime'      => 'mysql:timestamp'
'mysql:varbinary'     => 'mysql:binary'
'mysql:blob'          => 'mysql:binary'
'mysql:tinyblob'      => 'mysql:blob'
'mysql:mediumblob'    => 'mysql:blob'
'mysql:longblob'      => 'mysql:blob'
'mysql:tinyint'       => 'mysql:int'
'mysql:smallint'      => 'mysql:int'
'mysql:mediumint'     => 'mysql:int'
'mysql:double'        => 'mysql:float'


'pg:bigint'                       => :bigint
'pg:boolean'                      => :boolean
'pg:text'                         => :string
'pg:date'                         => :date
'pg:integer'                      => :int
'pg:json'                         => :json
'pg:numeric'                      => :decimal
'pg:real'                         => :float
'pg:time without time zone'       => :time
'pg:timestamp'                    => :date_time

'pg:char'                         => 'pg:text'
'pg:smallint'                     => 'pg:integer'
'pg:oid'                          => 'pg:integer'
'pg:double precision'             => 'pg:real'
'pg:money'                        => 'pg:numeric'
'pg:character'                    => 'pg:text'
'pg:character varying'            => 'pg:text'
'pg:timestamp without time zone'  => 'pg:timestamp'
'pg:timestamp with time zone'     => 'pg:timestamp'
'pg:time with time zone'          => 'pg:time without time zone'
'pg:jsonb'                        => 'pg:json'


'sqlite:binary'       => :binary
'sqlite:boolean'      => :boolean
'sqlite:date'         => :date
'sqlite:datetime'     => :date_time
'sqlite:decimal'      => :decimal
'sqlite:float'        => :float
'sqlite:integer'      => :int
'sqlite:json'         => :json
'sqlite:primary_key'  => :id
'sqlite:string'       => :string
'sqlite:time'         => :time

'sqlite:varchar'      => 'sqlite:string'
'sqlite:text'         => 'sqlite:string'