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Scoped Arguments

Sources like Active Record Source use a special feature that allows you to define shared arguments that implement shared behaviors between your fields.

This feature’s original intention is to expose models’ scopes to several fields. Due to proxy fields, you can easily share scope-based arguments to query fields and association fields (see here).

How to Use

You can define scoped arguments at the source-class level, as in:

# app/graphql/sources/user_source.rb
scoped_argument(:active, :boolean) { |value| where(active: value) }
                                 # ↳ Running under the current object

# OR, which intends to call the `active` scope on the current object
scoped_argument(:active, :boolean, true)
# The above is designed to work with
scope :active, -> { where(active: true) }

# OR, using a different scope name and with the argument value
scoped_argument(:active, :boolean, :enabled)
# The above is designed to work with
scope :enabled, ->(value) { where(active: value) }


Important This is an experimental feature and may change in the future.

It’s recommended to pass an on named argument to limit to which fields that argument will be added.

scoped_argument(:active, :boolean, true, on: :users)
# OR
scoped_argument(:active, :boolean, true, on: 'users')

Read more about names.

A block or method that returns nil won’t affect the current value, which will move forward to the following argument or finish by returning its result.