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Important This gem uses a lot of SimpleDelegator and custom delegators. If you are not familiar with such a pattern, it’s recommended that you read about it first.

This gem uses a series of events to deal with requests and directives. Events are divided into two types (also called phase): definition and execution.

It is not a coincidence that this division is similar to the directive restrictions.

More events will be added as the gem evolves, especially during the definition stage.



As of now, the only event that can happen during the definition is the attach one, which occurs when a directive is attached to a component. You can use this event to manipulate the component where the directive is being attached to.


On the other hand, the execution has a large list of available events. Any field, directive, or type (through directives) can listen to any of those events and perform proper manipulation of the request and response. For example:

# app/graphql/objects/user.rb
field(:id).on(:finalize) do
  # This will multiply the id by 10 before it is added to the response
  self.current_value = current_value * 10

Read more about the request event.

Using Events

You can add an event listener by calling the on method. This will set up a callback, which can be either a method to be called or a block to be run. You can also pass extra arguments that will be properly transferred.

field(:id).on(:organized) { do_something }
# OR
field(:id).on(:organized, :do_something)
#                         ↳ the method to be called


Fields allow setting up some event listeners using a method with the same name as the event. These are: organized, prepared, prepare (before_resolve), finalize (after_resolve), resolve, perform, and authorize.

The resolve and perform are unique events because fields can only have one of them, you cannot set them up using on, and directives cannot listen to them. Therefore, you should use their respective next events finalize and prepared to accomplish the same.


By default, events will only be triggered when the source of the event is the same as where the listener was added (or on a directive of the source). However, setting up a listener with exclusive_callback: false will trigger if the source is in the current stack.

In the above example, when anything has been resolved for the schema, the block on the directive will be called.

# app/graphql/directives/awesome_directive.rb
on(:finalize, exclusive_callback: false) do |source|
  puts "#{source.gql_name} has been resolved!"

# app/graphql/app_schema.rb
use :awesome


Arguments that an event listener can receive work differently. You can think about them as a list of things you need to perform the callback. This feature is controlled by the callback_inject_arguments and callback_inject_named_arguments settings.

Assuming that both settings are enabled, see the following examples:

on(:finalize) { |event| event.inspect }
#                ↳ The event will be inject here

on(:finalize) { |request| request.inspect }
#                ↳ The request will be inject here

on(:finalize) { |field, memo| (memo[field] ||= []) << 1 }
#                ↳ Both elements will be injected here

on(:finalize) { |request:| request.inspect }
#                ↳ It works with named arguments too

on(:prepare) { |id:| User.find(id) }
#               ↳ With named arguments you can capture arguments

on(:prepare, :load_record)
def load_record(id:)
#               ↳ It works with methods too

argument(:direction, null: false, default: 'asc')
on(:finalize) do |current, direction:|
#                          ↳ It will inject the default value too

Now, when you set up the listener with extra arguments, they will have higher precedence than the injected ones. See the examples:

on(:finalize, 123) { |event| event.inspect }
#                     ↳ This will be 123

on(:finalize, 123) { |value, event| event.inspect }
#                            ↳ This will reive the injected event

on(:finalize, format: :string) do |direction:|
#                                  ↳ It works the same for named arguments

on(:prepare, :sort_records, :name)
def sort_records(field)
#                ↳ Same with methods

What can be injected is equal to everything you can call from the event. You can find the list of available ones in the quick reference and some extra ones here for the request events.

Calling Next

You can capture the next value of a chain of events, manipulate it, and then return a different value to the next event to work with it. Think of it as calling super from a method in a child class. See the example:

on(:finalize) { 1 }                                                 # 1
on(:finalize) { |event| event.last_result * 10 }                    # 1 * 10
on(:finalize) { |event| event.last_result + 4 }                     # 10 + 4
on(:finalize) { |event| event.current_value = event.last_result }   # 14
# This will result in 14

on(:finalize) { 1 }                                                 # 1
on(:finalize) { |event| event.call_next * 10 }                      # 5 * 10
on(:finalize) { |event| event.last_result + 4 }                     # 1 + 4
on(:finalize) { |event| event.current_value = event.last_result }   # 50
# This will result in 50

This ability is extremely valuable. For example, when Active Record sources are loading associations because you can capture the built value, extend it, and leave the rest to the next event. See the example:

# Assuming that this field was created
field = field(:addresses, 'Address', full: true) do
  before_resolve(:preload_association, :addresses)
  before_resolve(:build_association_scope, :addresses)
  resolve(:parent_owned_records, true)

# We can simply do the following
field.before_resolve do
  call_next.where(deleted_at: nil)

That is why the prepare (before_resolve) event runs in reverse order. Following the example above, we can see that the last one added will be called first. So we can capture the next event result, change the query’s condition, and leave the preload_association to do its job.

Directive Events

Event listeners added to directives have some special characteristics: the binding will always be the instance of the directive, and you can use special filters to narrow down the source of the event.


Since the binding inside an event listener will always be the instance of the directive, you will need to use injected arguments. If such a feature is disabled, you can receive an extra argument with the event instance. See the example:

# Assuming injected arguments is disabled
# app/graphql/directives/awesome_directive.rb
on(:finalize) { self.inspect }
#               ↳ Nothing will be injected

on(:finalize) { |event| event.inspect }
#                ↳ One extra argument receives the event instance

on(:finalize) { |event, request| event.inspect }
#                       ↳ This will fail

on(:finalize, Rails.env) { |env, event| event.inspect }
#                                ↳ Always the last argument

on(:finalize, :inspect_event)
def inspect_event
# ↳ For methods, you can use the reader of @event

Directives do not automatically delegate missing methods to @event.


Filters can be added to event listeners by using named arguments. All filters accept one or multiple values to check if the conditions event matches any of its options.

A filter for the event phase
on :attach, during: :definition

More filters will be added in future versions.


All event listeners are turned into Callbacks, which are extra powerful Procs. Not only can they be passed as &block, but you can also check their source_location and call them, as long as you provide an event.

:001 > GraphQL::AppSchema[:query][:welcome].resolver.inspect
    => #<Rails::GraphQL::Callback ...
:002 > GraphQL::AppSchema[:query][:welcome].resolver.source_location[0]
    => "(symbolized-callback/#<... AppSchema[:query] welcome: String>)"
:003 > GraphQL::AppSchema[:query][:welcome].resolver.source_location[1]
    => :welcome

Callbacks are the ones responsible for doing the injection of arguments and coordinating the instantiation of classes, which is when the @event variable is injected.

There are two types of callbacks:


When the event listener is created with a block. This is the simplest type of callback, and the binding will be the event triggered, except for directives.

on(:finalize) { }


When the event listener is created with a first symbol argument referencing a method to be called. This will force the existence of an instance of the underlying class, not changing the traditional binding. However, an @event variable will be attached to the instance, and most GraphQL components have a delegate_missing_to :@event, so you can be considered under the event binding as well.

on(:finalize, :do_something)

Quick Reference

Here is a quick reference of all the things you can get from the events:

# app/graphql/app_schema.rb
# Works with delegate_missing_to :event
def welcome
  data                      # Any additional data provided to trigger
  event                     # The instance of the event
  event_name                # The name of the event
  last_result               # The last result of the event chain
  object                    # The object calling the trigger
  source                    # The source of the event

  parameter(name)           # Same as try(name) || data[name]
  [name]                    # Same as above
  parameter?(name)          # Same as respond_to?(name) || data.key?(name)
  key?(name)                # Same as above
  stop(*result)             # Stop running the event and return *result