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Here you will see all the possible ways you can define your schema fields. Keep in mind that this was developed to provide SRP and DRY principles gracefully.

The examples will focus on queries, but you can do the same with mutations and subscriptions.

Direct Definition

Directly defining your fields means that you will add them directly into your schema. This is the simplest way, but the one you should use as less as possible.

# app/graphql/app_schema.rb
query_fields do
  field(:rails_version, :string).resolve { Rails.version }

This is a great example of a direct definition of a field. The value is immutable, and there is no reason to add a method. A direct resolve block is enough.

# app/graphql/app_schema.rb
query_fields do
  field(:me, 'User').resolve { context.current_user }

This is also an excellent example because there is no logic involved in resolving the field’s value, and there is no need to add more code than this.

This approach is not recommended for mutations in any case.

Read more about fields and recommendations.

Set Definition

This is one level higher. When a set of fields share a common ground, you can define a class where they will all live. Then you can add shared methods and the list of fields. Just remember to import this as a dependency in your schema.

# app/graphql/queries/migrations_set.rb
class GraphQL::Queries::MigrationsSet < GraphQL::QuerySet
  field :last_migration, :int, null: false
  field :all_migrations, :int, null: false, array: true
  field :needs_migration, :boolean, null: false

  def last_migration

  def all_migrations

  def needs_migration


  def context

Read more about local dependencies.

Available Classes

  • GraphQL::FieldSet
  • GraphQL::QuerySet
  • GraphQL::MutationSet
  • GraphQL::SubscriptionSet

Standalone Definition

This is one level even higher. When the complexity of a field is so significant that it requires several methods and several parts to get its resolution, you can define a single class for a single field. If you are used to using Rails Services, you might feel at home here.

# app/graphql/queries/migrations_set.rb
class GraphQL::Queries::Permissions < GraphQL::Query
  desc <<~DESC
    Returns all the actions that the current can do
    in the given section provided as an argument.

  argument :section, null: false
  returns :string, array: true

  delegate :current_user, to: :context

  def resolve
    # ...

  # ...

You will also need to import these kinds of classes into your schema.

Note For mutations, besides the resolve method, you also have the perform method as entry point. Read more about it here.

Available Classes

  • GraphQL::Field
  • GraphQL::Query
  • GraphQL::Mutation
  • GraphQL::Subscription

Source Definition

This is the highest level you can get. This approach combines several things into one place. Think of it as the abstraction level of the definition process. Instead of defining each query field, plus mutations, plus object type, plus input type, sources can translate other classes into several GraphQL things.

Sources are considered the highest level because instead of writing each individual element, you would write a translator. Once you have the translator, then all the objects that fall into the same patterns can all be threaded the same way.

One great example is ActiveRecord, which already has its source implemented in this gem. All your models can be easily turned into all their counterparts in GraphQL.

Note Different from the previous examples, sources do not require importing because they have their own mechanism for publishing their fields.

# app/graphql/sources/user_source.rb
class GraphQL::UserSource < GraphQL::ActiveRecordSource

# OR

# app/graphql/app_schema.rb
module GraphQL
  class AppSchema < GraphQL::Schema
    source User

The above will produce something like:

schema {
  query: _Query
  mutation: _Mutation

type _Query {
  users: [User!]!
  user(id: ID!): User!

type _Mutation {
  createUser(user: UserInput!): User!
  updateUser(id: ID!, user: UserInput!): User!
  deleteUser(id: ID!): Boolean!

type User {
  # ... All user fields

input UserInput {
  # ... All user fields as input

Sources are one the most powerful features of this gem.

Read more about sources.