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  ...Profile             # Fragment spread
  ... on Profile { }     # Inline typed spread
  ... { }                # Inline type-less spread

Spreads allow you to request a specific set of fields in your document. Such a list of fields can either be determined in-place (inline spread) or through a Fragment.

Using Spreads

Each type of spread has its purpose and utility.


This is the simplest form of a spread. It tells the request that, at that given point, it should include the referenced Fragment’s selection set into the response, just like a reference to more fields.

It is mostly used to share common parts, and even recursive parts, of your document, without having to repeat yourself. Plus, it’s a great way to do componentization.

query {
  me { ...Profile }

fragment Profile on User { picture name }

Read more about fragments.


With a Type

Inline typed spreads will only add their selection set when the underlying data type matches the type that is its own type. That means that only when __typename and the referenced type in the spread are equal will it add its selection set to the response.

This is commonly used when dealing with Interfaces and Unions since the actual type being added to the response is guaranteed to be an object type, not these altered types.

query {
  # Assuming me returns an interface
  me {
    ... on User { slug }
    ... on Admin { role }

Without a Type

This type of spread is inferred to be working with the same type as its parent. The main reason why this is a valid way of using a spread is because spreads can be enhanced with directives. Once enhanced by a directive, the selection set can behave in specific ways.

This is really useful when used with directives like @include and @skip, or as an alternative to the componentization approach.

query($profile: Boolean!) {
  me {
    ... @include(if: $profile) { picture name }
import Profile, { Fields as ProfileFields } from '@/components/profile';

const query = `query { me { ... ${ProfileFields} } }`;